To reinforce the importance of good biosecurity practices, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is proposing to introduce new infringement offences under the Biosecurity Act 1993. This change will affect operators of transitional facilities and operators of craft arriving in New Zealand.


The proposed new offences are:


1.Operating a transitional facility or containment facility


  • Without an approved operator – section 154N(17)(i), or
  • In a way that does not comply with the operating standards for the facility – section 154N(17)(v).


2.Failing to provide notice of a craft’s intended arrival in New Zealand – section 154(N)(12)(a)


3.Failing to make a declaration about what has been done to comply with an applicable craft risk management standard or craft risk management plan – section 154N(14)(a)


If these infringement offences are introduced, an officer will be able to issue an on-the-spot fee for any person found to be non-compliant. The proposed level of the fee will be $400 if the offender is an individual, and $800 if the offender is a company.


MPI will aim to introduce these new infringement offences by the end of 2018.