World Leather Day, operated in collaboration by Leather Naturally and Leather Working Group, returns for 2024 on April 26. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Repair, Reuse, Repurpose”, which the organisations say aims to emphasise the long-lasting, repairable, and versatile qualities of leather that make it the ideal material for a circular society.

There are many complicated messages about how to live more sustainably, but leather is NOT complicated. Simply put, without it, around 10 million tonnes would go to landfill. In a world where we are trying to do more with less, keep waste to a minimum, and where we have the expertise and the technology to turn this by-product into a versatile, long-lasting material we have a responsibility to do just that.

World Leather Day hopes to bring the leather industry together to promote the material and celebrate the longevity and sustainability of leather.

More about the day and how leather has a role to play in a circular economy, can be found on Leather Naturally’s website: