Industry Awards 2016
A highlight of the Annual Conference is the presentation of awards to the top performing students of 2015 at the Conference Dinner. This year 2 of the 6 winners were able to attend the Wellington Conference to accept their award.
Advanced Course, Final Year
Allied Colour Award is presented each year to the top student in the 2nd year of the advanced course and includes a fully paid trip to the Shanghai Leather Fair. This year’s award went to Kristy Gray, G L Bowron. Kristy was also top student in the 1st year of the Advanced Course the previous year.
(L to R) Howard McConachie (Managing Director of Allied Colour 2000 Ltd) presents the award for the top student on the final year of the Advanced Leather Course to Kristy Gray (G L Bowron Ltd)
Advanced Course, Final Year Runner Up
Dominion Salt Award for the runner-up on the 2nd year of the Advanced Course, including acheque for $500, went to Eric Salievski (Howe Leather). A presentation to Eric will be arranged at Howe Leather later in the year.
Advanced Course Year 1
The Lanxess Award for the top student of the 1st year of the Advanced Course, and a cheque for $500, went to Ronald Prasad (Wallace Corp, Waitoa).
(R to L) Steve Cartlidge (Lanxess Business Manager, Leather Chemicals, Lanxess Pty Ltd) presents the award for top student of the Advanced Course Year 1 to Ronald Prasad (Wallace Corp, Waitoa)
Introductory Course Top Student
Shamrock Award for top student of the Introductory Course, and a cheque for $1000 went to Haukuotoka Tongotea, known as Mafua (Tasman Tanning).
(L to R) Mafua receives his top student, Introductory Course award from John Quigley (Managing Director, The Shamrock Group) and Geoff Holmes (Director, LASRA)
Introductory Course Runner Up
Interchem Award for the runner-up of the Introductory Course, and a cheque for $500 went to Peter Orr (Tasman Tanning)
(R to L) Rhys Evans (Business Manager at Interchem Agencies Ltd) presents the award for runner-up of the Introductory Course to Craig Thiele (Factory/ Technical Manager, Tasman Tanning) on behalf of Peter Orr (Tasman Tanning)
Fellmongery Award
The Chemcolour Award for Fellmongery, including a cheque for $1000, went to Brian Alderton (Tasman Tanning)
(L to R) David Thompson (Industry Manager at Chemcolour Industries NZ Ltd) presents the award for the runner-up of the Fellmongery Course to Jacob O’Rourke (Tasman Tanning) on behalf of Brian Alderton (Tasman Tanning)).
Congratulations to all the award winners this year for their hard efforts, and a big shout out to the award sponsors for your continued support of Industry Training.