Rafea Naffa has been named a recipient from this year’s Earle Creativity and Development Trust. The award was given for a series of school holiday chemistry shows Rafea performed at Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and Heritage.

The ECD Trust was established by Richard and Mary Earle to help fund specific local projects in the Manawatu and Rangitikei region within the arts and technical sciences and provides funding in two areas each year, with funding being available in alternate years. Board member Richard Garland said selectors were “blown away” every year by the calibre of applications. “And with a little financial support, we can leverage so much.”

The full list of  other recipients are:

Rafea Naffa for Science fun for future scientists, $16,950; Ltd for a realistic bleeding simulator, $7000; St Peter’s College for an artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing competition, $5500; Israel Birch for Pūrākau, sculpture and music, $15,000; Kirsty Porter for Shifting Ground, $15,000; Catherine Russ for Early Morning Walks, $10,000; Isla Griffin for Pursuing Equilibrium, $5000; and Toi Warbrick for Te Marae o Hine centennial game, $5000.

From stuff.co.nz