The UK Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (SLTC) will be holding its 119th International Conference in April and Dr Sue Cooper, New Zealand Leather & Shoe Research Association (LASRA) has been invited to deliver the Proctor Memorial Lecture, “From Sheep Yards to SNP Chips – the Changing face of rawstock research”. Other presentation highlights include:


–      The future of vegetable tanning, Nigel Dunning & Peter Atkinson, Forestal Mimosa.

–      Digital Printing onto leather, Dr Barry McGregor, Fujifilm

–      A sustainable future for the leather industry, Mike Tomkin, Stahl.

–      Water saving processing, Karl Flowers, ICLT, University of Northampton.


For the first time, the SLTC will also host a panel discussion focussed on chromium in leather with leading industry experts.


The conference will be held on April 23, 2016 at the University of Northampton, UK.