LASRA Leather & Fellmongery Courses for 2021:

LASRA Learning Modules

If you don’t have the time to take on a full year of study, this is a great way to go taking on only the modules you are interested in, even if it is just one. A certificate will be issued on completion of each unit. Usually it takes a month of study per unit.

Modular Course Brochure 2021

Understanding Leather

This is a fun 3-day course in leather manufacture held at LASRA from 23-25 June 2021. This course is for those not directly involved in leather manufacture and comprises of a mix of classroom, practical demonstration in our pilot tannery and a visit to a modern tannery.

3 Day Leather Course 2021

All LASRA courses are run online. Students are given a password to log-in to the LASRA server to access their material. The basic requirements are a secure computer preferably with broadband connection and an internet browser.


We hope you’ll consider LASRA to help with your training needs for the coming year.


Contact us at for more information