This course is specifically for manufacturers and retailers of all types of footwear, upholstery, gloving, clothing, leather goods and accessories. The course is also ideal for those involved in purchasing, marketing and administration in a tannery and also suppliers of raw material to a tannery.



Day 1

Raw Materials

Hide and Skin Defects

Leather Identification

Leather Making Stage 1 (raw to pickle)

LASRA pilot tannery to see (i) the raw material, (ii) hair removal, and (iii) pickling stages

Chemical Testing and Specifications

Compliance & Restricted Substances

Leather Making Stage 2 (Tanning)

LASRA pilot tannery to see (iv) tanning stage


Day 2

Leather Making Stage 3 (tan to crust)

LASRA pilot tannery to see (v) post-tanning stage

Machinery used in Leather Manufacture

Leather Making part 4 (finishing)

LASRA pilot tannery to see (vi) finishing stage

Tannery Visit (in the afternoon)                                             


Diagnosing Leather Problems

New Technologies

Physical Testing and Specifications



Course Nos:                           max 8

Venue:                                     LASRA, Palmerston North.

Date:                                        Wednesday 27th June to Friday 29th June 2018

NB if more than eight enroll a second course can take place in September (date TBA)


Email:                                      info@lasra.co.nz

Phone:                                    +64 (0) 6355 9028

Website:                                 www.lasra.co.nz 


Booking Form

If this is of interest to you, click here to find the enrolment form